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  • City employee Christmas luncheon is Dec. 7

City employee Christmas luncheon is Dec. 7

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The City of Henderson Board of Aldermen met Thursday, Nov. 9, with Alderman Donna Butler and Mayor Bobby King absent. The remaining aldermen were present with Vice Mayor Mark Barber presiding.
In Thursday evening’s business, the board discussed care of a local drive, purchase and maintenance of city equipment, officially set the city employee Christmas luncheon and increased the return check fee for city business.
Ron Moten approached the board, requesting the city pave a drive off Harmon St., which is used by city vehicles (garbage trucks) and provides access to a church building as well as residences. City Recorder Jim Garland said it is unclear whether the drive, sometimes referred to as Moten Drive, is a city street and that the city has paved it on occasion, adding that the county has possibly provided some patch repairs as well. Garland will look into the history on the property to determine whether a survey needs to be done, and the board will address the issue again at the next meeting.
City Fire Chief Doug Acred received unanimous board approval to move $10,000 from the volunteer expense line item to maintenance to cover emergency repair costs for the ladder truck. He also requested approval to move forward with use of the recently awarded THSO grant to purchase extrication equipment in the amount of $13,432. The city’s portion of this is $947.
The board approved the use of $4,300 of budgeted funds for the purchase of a pipe locator for the utility department.
The city employee Christmas Lunch will be from 11:30-1 p.m. Thursday, Dec 7. Board approved city and utility offices will be closed during that time.
City Public Works Director Carter Scales reported the crosswalks downtown on Main St. have been painted. The state will consider installation of the more visible thermoplastic pavement striping in the spring.
Utility Director Darryl Green reported his department’s work in Clover Creek is complete.
Garland requested that Alderman Keith Smith do a study on the proposed mayoral salary, which must be completed and accepted 180 days prior to the August election.
City Attorney Jerry Spore addressed the board on behalf of the Industrial Development Board, requesting the city allow the IDB to issue $4 million in bonds to Freed-Hardeman University for renovations to Hall Roland Hall. The city is allowed up to $10 million yearly in low interest bank qualified debt. The allowance resets Jan. 1, 2024. The board unanimously approved to place this on the IDB agenda for approval of bond issue.
In the last item of business, the board unanimously approved the increase of the City of Henderson returned check fee from $20 to $30.

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