City meets tonight, Thursday July 13

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The City of Henderson Mayor and Board of Aldermen are scheduled to meet in regular session at 7 p.m. today, Thursday, July 13, in the council chamber of the Henderson City Hall.
The board will consider a donation request from the Carl Perkins Center to be used to improve their new location
In regard to municipal zoning, the board will consider amending the municipal zoning ordinance text to permit short term rental units as a use permitted in institutional districts with certain restrictions and eliminate insurance requirements and fees on short term rental units in all districts where they are allowed, and will hold a public hearing on the proposed amendment and consider passage of the text amendment ordinance. Additionally, the board will consider amending the municipal zoning map to rezone tax parcel 8, Map 046C, Group H, which is located on the west side of Newsome Ave from R-2 Residential to B-4 Highway Business, also holding a public hearing on the proposed zoning change and consider passage of the ordinance to rezone the property.
In addition to delegations, other items on the agenda include:

  • Discuss and approve the city employee’s health insurance matching rate effective January 1.
  • Discuss and approve the Henderson Police Department’s written drone policy. This policy is required by the city’s liability and property insurance company.
  • Discuss the proposed Fire Department Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Approval of these SOPs will be scheduled for the August meeting of the board.
  • Discuss and consider bids received on the furniture needed for the new training rooms at city hall.
  • Discuss and consider bids received for materials and paving services for the Public Work Department.
  • Consider a resolution to approve the application for a Public Entity Partners (the city’s insurance carrier) Safety Partners Grant for two sets of turn out gear for the Fire Department. The program has a 50% local match with a maximum grant amount of $2,000.
  • Receive an update on the current Site Development Grant (SDG) close out and approve the application for another SDG to continue the grading the site.
  • Consider going to bid on the Rebecca Drive water main project.
  • Consider purchase of five fire hydrant assemblies to replace damaged hydrants.
  • Consider approving the necessary expense related to the conversion of the wastewater treatment at the lagoons to peracetic acid.
    Other business to be discussed includes consideration of allowing departments to order/purchase equipment included in the ARP Budget.


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