On their meeting on October 10, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen approved the application and local matching funds for a Property Conservation Grant Program through the city’s insurance pool which will be used to purchase new cameras for Gene Record Memorial Park.
Next on the agenda, the board approved repairs for Water Well No.9. They felt as if they had no choice as to if they should repair the well or not.
“The thing about Well 9 is that this is one of our most important wells,” mayor Bobby King said.
They then approved Tuesday, Dec. 3 for the City’s Employee Christmas Lunch.
During other business, Henderson Utility Director Darryl Green stated that on Aug. 28 and Sept. 11, Brad Smith of the Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation conducted inspections on East Lagoon. A director’s order was then put in place to address 24 violations of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD).