The City of Henderson Mayor and Board of Aldermen met Thursday evening, March 12, in regular session, with a majority present and Alderman Michael Phelps absent. In addition to hearing from a local business owner, the board discussed city department purchases, projects, grants and other business, and City Recorder Jim Garland announced the city has finally received the go-ahead on the Multimodal grant project. This project has been in the works for about four years, according to Garland. Pre-construction will begin at 10 a.m. March 22.
Utility Director Darryl Green asked the board to approve the use of $29,306.20 of $30,000 pre-budgeted ARP funds to purchase a trailer-mounted air compressor for use by the Utility and Public Works Departments. It was approved unanimously. The board also approved the Utility Department purchase of two large metal plates for covering roadways during repair work, at a cost of $10,291, to come from the general equipment fund. Additionally, Green requested the board approve the purchase of a new roll up door for the Record Dr. facility, taking into account the current door has previously been repaired at least twice, and is needing additional repairs, which will total half of the cost of a new door. Cost for a new door, $7,235, was approved unanimously. Some of the upcoming projects and developments for the utility department include the following: nearly ready to go to bid for water treatment plant electrical work; preconstruction conference is March 21 for the North Ave. project, which includes water line replacement, milling and pavement; applied for application for the hotel project wastewater cap; new dining hall for FHU; Hughes Road project; TDOT projects including Hwy 100 and Dry Creek bridge and the bridge at Hwy 100/Forked Deer River; and the Talley Store Road project. Green said the department had pretreatment inspections on pretreatment facilities with favorable findings, and the backup generator problems have been corrected, it is back in working order.
Fire Chief Doug Acred requested permission to spend $48,269 in grant funds for equipment and to sell the department’s rescue truck – a retired ambulance from another county. Acred said the truck was purchased for $1 in the early 2000s and is rarely used. He suggested the vehicle be placed in the upcoming equipment auction. Both were approved unanimously.
In other business, the board approved repairs to the Premier Way storm siren, one of four in the city, which has been out of commission for several months following a lightning strike. The repairs will cost $8,835. The board also approved hiring a consultant to update the city’s GIS mapping system at $10,000, to revisit within the next budget year if necessary.
Alderman Mark Barber suggested the board consider action to repair/protect the ditch in Gene Record Memorial Park, citing a recent increase in deterioration.
Mayor Bobby King mentioned three bills to be presented in the General Assembly. Kirk Haston is introducing a bill concerning depreciation, and a bill concerning a property tax cap, 2% cap plus inflation amended to a 5% straight cap on property tax. Another upcoming bill gives authority to recall school board and mayor/city council.
Norma Meissner, owner of The Front Street Farmhouse, approached the board asking for an update on marking local crosswalks, specifically those on Main St. Garland said the city had painted the crosswalks in the fall and he had also spoken with the state about applying a thermoplastic pavement tape. The state had replied this would be something to consider in the spring, as winter road equipment would damage the product. Garland said he would contact TDOT and could also look into contracting the work if necessary.
Meissner also addressed voting within the city limits, with concerns that only city residents are able to vote in city elections, asserting that persons who own property within the city, should also have a vote. Additionally, Meissner asked the board to consider mosquito control within the city.
The City of Henderson Industrial Development Board will meet at 6 p.m. April 2, and will hold a public hearing concerning the hotel TIF (Tax Increment Financing policy).
The next city budget meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 21.