County extends budget to July

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By Holly Roeder
Senior Staff Writer

The Chester County Commission met Thursday, June 27, in a special called session with 15 in attendance. Commissioners Jerry Emerson, Andrea Holland and Renee Phelps were absent.
Mayor Barry Hutcherson announced the county will continue budget discussions. “We’re still working on the budget for 24-25.”
Later in the meeting Commissioner Tim Crowe asked Budget Committee Chair Anne Moore if the budget is expected to be completed by the July meeting, which she answered affirmatively. “We plan to,” Moore said.
The Commission approved all items on the agenda without contest, including each of the following: Budget amendments; Chester County Schools budget amendments necessary to close out the school year budget; Chester County Charitable Contributions policy – noting funds are to be recorded as separate line items; and a training program policy for county officials.
The low bid of $48,300 was approved for the concrete foundation for the county’s new agriculture facility – Yandell Construction of Jackson.
Superintendent Troy Kilzer II presented a resolution recommended by state auditors to allow the Chester County Board of Education to serve as standing approval for Federal program funding.
In final business, the commission discussed the Private Act of 2009 Chapter 11. No changes were made. The act was read, and Commissioner Nathan Ward asked if everyone was in agreement on the meaning of the private act as read. No commissioner spoke to the contrary.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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