Henderson Community News

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Greetings! I am glad to be with you for another week. It is only by the grace of our God. For this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! I hope everyone had a wonderful first day of fall on Sept. 23. It was such a beautiful day!
Last weekend we celebrated our 45th BBQ Festival in Chester County; it was another great year. The streets were filled with great vendors for the kids, the adults and the entire community. The kids had a ball on the rides, and we all enjoyed the corn dogs, fresh lemonade and slushes. I heard so many great comments about how good the turkey legs were. Next year, double the amount! This is what the people said.
To the Chester County Chamber of Commerce, you did an outstanding job! Keep up the great work for the County and the City of Henderson. Thank you for all of the service you provide for the County!
Well, the next time you read this paper a new month will have arrived. October, we welcome you. What does this month bring? Here in the United States this month is to let the public know about health and safety issues. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), Heart Awareness Month, Eat Better, Eat Together Month, Health Literacy Month and National Dental Hygiene Month. So please take this month to go and take care of yourself; if you have not done it already, October is a great month to get it done.
There is a young man that will celebrate his birthday on Sept. 30. He will be 75 years young! I know he is a man that loves the Lord and his Pastor! He also loves his wife and loves to play golf. To God be the Glory! A big Happy Birthday to Mr. Larry Locke! He is the proud husband of Margaret Locke. Larry, keep it moving. We hope you will have a blessed birthday, but we know you will.
On Saturday, Sept. 23, the Head Start dads had a great time at Chester County Library. It was Father/Father Figure Reading Day for the Head Start dads. Chester County Head Start staff would like to say, “Thank you to all of the business that donated gifts for the dads and Ms. Savannah Gilbert, director of the library. A big SHOUT OUT to the City of Henderson!”
Happy belated birthday to Latonia Croom, 9/20; Cathy Maholmes, 9/22; John Curry, 9/23; my dear friend Ethel Croom, 9/26; Linda Curry, 9/26; and Marilyn Myhan, Oct. 8. May the Lord keep on blessing you to see many more years!
On the prayer list this week: remember the Kendell family, who lost a loved one last week; Angela Couch; Melinda Thomas Shanice Prather; and the ones who are sick in their homes. Pray for our children, teachers and families and for the men and women who are serving our country.
Remember to patronize with our local businesses here in town; let us try to support our own as much as we can. I would like to say thank you to ones who text and call me with your news. Keep it up and send me more. If you live in the City of Henderson and have news about your family, birthday, anniversary, announcements, and things happening in the City, I need to hear from you; call or text me at 608-6132. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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