Hickory Corner Community News

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By Dot Patterson

Greetings from Hickory Corner!
Fall is not just sweater weather, but it is also a great time if health permits to lace up those sneakers and go for a walk. There are lots of benefits of walking, including being good for your heart, brain and weight, but it can also reduce stress. My goodness! We all need to reduce stress so get up and get out! That is exactly what I have been doing…Ruger and I try to go on a walk every day.
Birthday wishes to those celebrating October birthdays go out to Betty Morrison Cooper (Oct. 5), Kelsey Tummins (Oct. 8), Lonnie Morton (Oct. 9), Nelson Weaver (Oct. 12) and Mike Lott (Oct. 25). Happy Anniversary to Nelson and Janice Weaver (Oct. 8). A special birthday wish goes out to my sweet great-granddaughter, Lainey Patterson on Oct. 5. She will be turning 13 (a teenager oh my)!
Just a reminder to mark your calendars for the potluck meal at the Hickory Corner Community Center at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22. Of course, everyone likes to play bingo, so please bring wrapped gifts for bingo prizes. Come and enjoy the fun, good food and fellowship.
I talked to Lonnie Morton of Memphis today. He and Shirley have been raking leaves. They are looking forward to coming to the HCC Center potluck meal Oct. 22. See you then, Lonnie and Shirley!
The ladies of New Home Church attended a brunch hosted by Vickie Clayton in her home last Saturday. Everyone enjoyed the good food and fellowship. Thank you, Vickie, for opening your home and providing a wonderful meal. It sure made my Saturday special. I bet Mike was eating leftovers for awhile as there was so much food and delicious casseroles.
Remember in prayer Richy Butler, Ladelle Clark, Mildred Smith, Martha Autry, Ann Morrison, Bonice Martin, Peggy Whitman, Peggy Lard, William and Eddie Luttrell and Donna Lynch. Continue to pray for each other, our country and our world. Also, sympathy to all those who have recently lost loved ones. If you would like to add or remove a name from our prayer list, please call me.
If you would like to rent the HCC Center for your special event, please call Nancy Patterson at 608-1159.
I need your support for this article. Please call me with tidbits and news at 989-3315. You can share your vacations, birthday, anniversaries and much more. I need to hear from you.
“Kindness costs nothing, yet it is a most precious gift.” – Katrina Mayer
Seems like our world is short on kindness these days. I always say that kindness makes a difference and blesses the receiver and the giver. I hope you are blessed this week.
Make it a great week!

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