The Ingleside-Pentagon Club met in the Henderson church of Christ Fellowship Hall on Thursday, Feb. 15, for their monthly meeting. Hostesses were Kay Tignor, Caroline Johnson, and Lisa Beene.
Members present were Mary Ann Guinn, Becky Cyr, Toni Hardin, Judy McKenzie, Beverly Hardin, Janice Kent, Christine Carroll, Lisa Beene, Kay Tignor, and Caroline Johnson. The program for the afternoon was entitled “Norman Rockwell’s Heartwarming Images of America.”
Lisa Beene presented a PowerPoint presentation on the life and works of one of America’s best known artists and illustrators. The presentation included a review of a range of Rockwell’s most beloved artistic works from his first commissioned work in 1911 to his last commissioned work in 1976. During his career, Rockwell produced over 4,000 pieces of artwork, often focused on the daily life of everyday Americans. His works were frequently chosen for the front covers of the leading magazines of the time, including the “Saturday Evening Post,” “Look,” and “Life” magazines. He is now widely recognized for the way his paintings used humor and realism to chronicle the history of the United States from the 1920s-60s.
Lisa shared interesting background information on the story behind the artwork and some of the personal comments Rockwell made on different pieces of his work. As the club members viewed designated pieces of artwork, they were asked to “Name the Painting.” A scoring grid was used to identify who had the titles closest to the Rockwell title. Beverly Hardin had the closest number of titles correct and was presented a china bell with a Norman Rockwell image on it.
After the program, President Beverly Hardin called the meeting to order and conducted the business part of the meeting. Caroline Johnson read the club creeds. Following the business meeting, refreshments were served. Mary Ann Guinn and Lisa Beene won the door prizes. The next meeting is scheduled for March 21.