By: Becky Hartle
We are thrilled to be back at Jacks Creek Elementary School and start off our new year with some great learning!
Kindergarten had a great week back. A few skills we worked on include sentence writing, sight words, fluently adding and 3D shapes. We will be out Jan. 18 in observance of MLK Jr. Day.
We had a wonderful week in first grade this week. We learned about constellations and the moon. We created the moon phases with Oreo cookies. We read more fables, learned about action verbs and learned to read words with the sound /oi/ as in coin. We wrote New Year’s resolutions. In math, we began learning about groups of 10 and other counting strategies.
In second grade we are getting back into our routine. We learned about the human body in reading along with vowel sounds. In math we learned to tell time to the nearest five minutes. In science we learned about scientists and tools used in science.
In third grade in ELA, we learned about colonial America as we read and dug deeper into main ideas and supporting details, retelling stories, making connections and predictions, US geography and climate, and the significance of the colonies. Be sure to ask your kiddos what they think happened to Roanoke Island. We also began writing a narrative of our own! In math we learned about area of shapes and figures as we continue to practice multiplication and division. Please continue to help your child at home with multiplication facts, spelling words, reading together and talking about what they are learning. We are off to a great start with the new year and third nine weeks!
Our Farmer of the Week goes to Parker Mills, whose favorite books are Dr. Seuss books and whose favorite food is breakfast food. We are proud to have this student shine brightly at our school! Our Staff Farmer of the Week goes to the incredible Debbie Hames. Her favorite book is the Bible, and her favorite food is spaghetti! We appreciate all that she does as our amazing P.E. teacher.
Since it is winter, remember to label your child’s winter clothing items (jackets, coats, hats, etc.). We already have several jackets hanging on our lost and found rack.
The Chester County School System is now recognized as a critical infrastructure. This policy now requires students third grade and above to wear masks.
It is important that we are able to contact you or a family member if your child is sick, injured, etc. or school is dismissed for inclement weather or other unexpected reasons. A pink Student Information Form is being sent home with all students for a parent/guardian to complete and return by Thursday. We need ALL students to return this pink form. District and school information is often shared through phone calls and/or Remind text messages. Therefore, please continue to keep this information up-to-date by contacting the school when changes are made. JOIN REMIND Messaging by texting the code below to 81010: @ccsdjces (Jack’s Creek Elementary) AND @ccsdist (Chester Co. School District)
SCHOOL MALL PROMOTION: Each student has taken home a packet with information about how you can help raise funds for our school for FREE! Please read the content and follow the steps. This is an EASY way for the school to receive funds. After the steps are completed, students can return the form including their code to receive a cool prize. Prizes are limited! Please return on or before Jan. 15. All profits will benefit our students and our school. Thanks for taking a little bit of time to help!
Box Tops for Education: Box Tops are a super easy way to earn money for our school. Clip Box Tops or download the Box Tops for Education app. Scan your receipts to earn free money for our school! It is that easy!
Looking Ahead:
Jan. 7-15 – School Mall Promotion
Jan. 18 – MLK JR Day (No School)
Jan. 19-Feb. 2 – Domino’s Fundraiser
Jan. 26 – 100th Day of School Celebration
Jan. 27-Feb. 10 – Yearbook Sales ($15 each)
Feb. 11 – Parent/Teacher Conference (from 5-8 p.m.)
Feb. 12 and 15 – NO SCHOOL