News from the Hickory Corner Community of Chester County

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with Dot Patterson

Greetings from Hickory Corner!
We had a wonderful Christmas party at the HCC Center this past Saturday. It looked like everyone had a good time. There was plenty of good food, fellowship and lots of fun playing bingo and trivia. Phillip had everyone exercising their brain while playing trivia. There was a drawing for honorary characters and each one received a gift: Frank Clayton (Mr. Santa), Shirley Morton (Mrs. Claus) Braxton Seagraves (Junior Santa), Faith Lynn Patterson (Junior Miss Claus), Kurt Homoki (Mr. Reindeer), Sarah Capp (Mrs. Reindeer) and Zander Orion Garrison (Little Elf). Thanks to all that attended and brought food for our delicious potluck meal and prizes for bingo. I believe that the person that traveled the farthest for our party was my son Greg from Illinois. Next was Lonnie and Shirley Morton who traveled from Memphis. We did miss the members who were unable to attend. A big shout out to Phillip and Judy Cranford and Donnie and Nancy Patterson for everything they do for our community center. Our Christmas tree was beautiful as always thanks to Nancy Holmes.
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and probably the busiest time of the year.
Everyone, it is time to get your cards out and shopping done so you can sit back and enjoy the holiday. I still enjoy sending out cards and enjoy getting them, but I think this tradition is slowing down because people are so busy. Seems like many, many years ago in the good ole days Christmas was more simple. I would love to share your thoughts on Christmases from the past. What is your most treasured memory, favorite gift, favorite food, or just anything you would like to share. Please call me so I can share your thoughts in our news next week. Do not be shy…I need to hear from you.
My son Greg is here, and we celebrated my birthday today (Dec. 12). He took me shopping, and then we ate lunch at Bells. One evening we drove through Chickasaw’s “Lighting of the Park,” and the light and decorations were beautiful. There were quite a few cars lined up to go through. Thank you to those who made this possible as I know it takes quite a bit of work.
People who have pets, do not ever give up if you lose your pet! I saw on the World News where Jazzy, a dog that went missing seven years ago from Texas was found in an abandoned hotel room in Florida. Animal services scanned the dog for a microchip and found one. From that they were able to locate the owner who still lived in Texas. The owner flew to Florida and brought Jazzy home. If only Jazzy could tell his story of the last seven years! This was only a happy ending because Jazzy had been microchipped, so make sure your pet is microchipped.
Remember in prayer: Richy Butler, Ladelle Clark, Mildred Smith, Martha Autry, Ann Morrison, Bonice Martin, Peggy Whitman, Peggy Lard, William and Eddie Luttrell and Donna Lynch. Continue to pray for each other, our country and our world. If you would like to add or remove a name from our prayer list, please call me.
If you would like to rent the HCC Center for a special event or for your Christmas party, please call Nancy Patterson at 608-1159.
I need your support for this article. Please call me with tidbits and news at 989-3315. You can share your vacations, birthday, anniversaries and much more. I would love to hear from you.
Make it a great week!

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