News from the Hickory Corner Community of Chester County

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with Dot Patterson

Greetings from Hickory Corner!

Last week, we had a few days of cold weather. I suppose it was what we call Blackberry Winter, mainly a southern term used to describe a brief period of cold weather in the spring. I have read that blackberries need a cold snap to set buds. We used to have lots of blackberry vines on our farm but not so many anymore.
I know some folks had already planted their gardens and had to cover their plants because of the cold snap. Along with Blackberry Winter, there is also Dogwood Winter, Locust Winter, Whippoorwill Winter and Redbud Winter (Tennessee Historical Society). I have never heard of any of these except Blackberry Winter. Monday was beautiful with a high of 81 and sunny, so I am hoping Mother Nature will continue to be kind to us.
Happy birthday to my sister-in-law, Ann Morris, who will celebrate her birthday April 28. Those with May birthdays include Vickie Beshires (5/4), JoAnn Clayton (5/17) and Tonya Clayton (5/30). Happy Anniversary to Phillip and Judy Cranford (5/1). Wishing you all many blessings and happiness on your special day.
Remember the most beautiful things in life are not things but people. Pick up the phone and call someone; let them know you are thinking of them. This week, I talked to Ladelle Clark, Bonice Martin, Mayrene Adkins, JoAnn Clayton Ellna Roland, and my cousin June Smith. I also enjoyed a visit at my house with Mary Patterson. We are both avid readers and she stopped by to pickup some books. Also, my good neighbor JoAnn Clayton walked over to visit with me for awhile. I also visited my neighbor Melissa Stoltzfus. I sure enjoyed the visits. Seemed a little back to normal so I am thankful for that.
Mother’s Day is celebrated Sunday, May 9. What makes your mother special? In a few sentences share what makes or made your mother special or a special memory you have of your mother. Call me with your stories, which I will include in next week’s column.
Remember in prayer Arlan Porter, Ann Bennett, Richy Butler, Ladelle Clark, Mildred Smith, Martha Autry, Ann Morrison, Bonice Martin, Peggy Whitman, Jim Ruth, W.T. Roland, Peggy Lard, William and Eddie Luttrell and Donna Lynch. Please continue to pray for those who are dealing with COVID and other sicknesses. Also, remember in prayer those who have recently lost loved ones.
If you would like to add or remove a name to our prayer list, please call me.
If you would like to rent the HCC center for your special event, please call Nancy Patterson at 608-1159.
Folks, this is your column. Please call me at 989-3315 with tidbits, birthdays and anniversaries. It is difficult to write this column without your help.
“Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.” – Jim Rohn (Southern Living). Sometimes our own actions and thoughts are what make us happy. Do what makes you happy this week!
Make it a great week!

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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