News from the Jacks Creek Community of Chester County

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with Patsy Nobles Jones

“HATE has four letters, but so does LOVE. ENEMIES has seven letters, but so does FRIENDS. LYING has five letters, but so does TRUTH. HURT has four letters, but so does HEAL. It’s our perception that makes the difference in the way we feel. Good parents instilled that into our heart. I hurt, but I will heal.”
We extend sympathy to the families of Mason Carter Harlow (3-19-20 to 3-19-20) – Henderson City; Jessie Glen Hudson (12-16-39 to 3-19-20), resident of Jacks Creek who married Marilyn. Their children are Teresa Stone and Terry Hudson, a sweet precious student of mine. His brothers are Willis, Tony and Tim who died in 2012 – private graveside at Shiloh; Ruth Ree Pusser King (6-6-26 to 3-21-20), married Roy and lived in Chester County for 35 years – graveside at Sweetlips; Mable Sue Holder Greene (10-20-38 to 3-21-20), widow of Raymond from Jacks Creek – Graveside at New Friendship; and Denny Ray Smith (11-1-57 to 3-22-20), married my cousin Virginia Tucker Yadamec Smith from Class of 1969 – memorial service later.
We tenderly remember Martha Crowe murdered March 29, 2014, our friend, my school friend, Tim Hudson (3-26-49 to 12-17-12); and Jane (Gleeman) Rhodes mother died in Alabama. Murdell Barker went to hospital last Wednesday but is back at assisted living as of Friday. Keep Cousin Johnny Hayes, Cousin Alice Maness Stovall and Cousin Jennifer Evans in your prayers. Jennifer and her mother, Sheila Cox, were so close. Elvis and Billy Evans sang at the private funeral. Sheila looked lovely in shades of purple. We will miss her beautiful smile. You can see pictures on Arrington’s site. Hello to Rachel Ellington, Regina East and Tiger II, Imogene Fitts, Elisa Harris, Mike Tignor, Lou Tignor, Jean Tignor, Melbern Jones and G.W. and Nancy Rush.
Abby Jones Brooks (poodle) left us March 25, 2018; she was greatly loved at Regina’s Country Curls and is now resting at “Abby’s Place” in Dusty Rose Haven. Her little paw prints linger on many hearts – especially Mrs. Lois Morris and son Steve, Mrs. Francis Ada and Mrs. Mary Harris, Teresa, Regina, and mine.
Due to this serious virus, sick folks would probably appreciate a phone call to see what is needed if anything. Go, leave item/food at the door and go home. Use “Ma Bell” (telephone) to call and chat to help keep depression down in elderly, family and friends. Also, keep elderly living in nursing homes or assisted living in your thoughts. They can easily get depressed without visitors, so send cards. Jim Ruth called to thank all for their calls.
President Trump said there were price gougers taking advantage during this epidemic. He said we would not put up with that. We can take that into our own hearts. Why would we want to trade with them when this virus is gone? Old timey quote suits them, “I’d be ashamed.”
I called the City’s three grocery stores. Elderly and others are in luck. Call and check with their service – Save-A-Lot (989-9305); Piggly Wiggly (989-1010); and Cash Saver (989-2191). Sam’ s will ship orders $55 and up free to your home.
On the other hand a good solution to lack of toilet paper equals – “bidet” for your toilet – it ‘s hands free, too.
Tidbits: Thomas Edison’s last breath is contained in a test tube in Michigan; actress, Elizabeth Taylor died 3-23-11 at age 79 – my mother’s second favorite; Himeko the elephant is in solitary confinement 18 hours daily at age 43. Half of her life was spent at the Himeji City Zoo in Japan. Her head shakes erratically, which is a bad sign of mental decline; J.P. Morgan, American financier and banker offered $100,000 to anyone who could figure out why his face was so very extra red. Wished I had been there to tell him, “Rosacea”; J. P. Morgan’s estate in 1913 was $68 million; Jif is the top peanut butter since 1956 – 113 million folks consumed Jif in 2019 alone; original name for jeans was waist overalls; and two diseases completely eradicated were small pox in 1980 and cow virus in 2001 – this COVID-19 virus will be eradicated. We do what is asked of us as a whole. Stay home as much as possible. You are safer in your home than among crowds. We touch and brush against objects one does not think about at all. God bless

2020 VISION; “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.”

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