Hello everyone!
I hope things are going well for you all. I know Chester County and others are having an increase in COVID-19 cases although it is being reported that the virus has decreased some. Our increase in this county was substantial on Thursday. I would encourage everyone to use a mask and social distance. I have a dear friend who is in ICU now with this life threatening virus. Her family can not see her, and they are waiting and praying for her survival. She is married and has three children and several grandchildren. The virus does not discriminate. Young, old, wealthy, poor…it makes no difference. Some are on dialysis because their kidneys are not working properly. I know the odds are better that one might not get it, and even if they do, they have better odds to survive, but who wants to take a chance. I (we) have one life, and when it is over, that is it. Wear a mask and cover your nose with it, too. A slight inconvenience but necessary. Social distance. I do not want anyone coughing, sneezing or breathing heavy over my shoulder. Pray; protect yourself and others before it is too late. Pray for an end to this virus. God bless.
I hope each and every one of you has a safe and enjoyable three day weekend if your work allows for that. I could hope that people will not congregate into crowds for the last big bash of the summer, but that would be a fruitless hope. Life is what it is, and it will play out in the way it will regardless.
Labor Day was on Monday. This day is a tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength and well-being of our country.
Happy 71st birthday in heaven to Larry Nobles on 9-11. I know you are being missed by many, including your sister Pat Nobles Jones. Siblings forever.
Happy birthday to David Morris, 9-4; Chase Priddy, 9-6; Samantha Burton, 9-7; Judy Bray, 9-9; Austin Morris, 9-10; and Brad Matheney, 9-11.
Please continue to remember these in prayer Lynn Allen, Denise Armstrong, Brinson Biggs, Sheila Berry, Charlie Brewer, David Brewer, Beverly Butler, Maverick Butler, Faye and Pat Connor, Diane Cross, Kristen Daniel and family, Joie Freeman, Ann Hinson, Braelyn Ellis, Jeremy Ellis, Danny Jones, Nancy McCaskill, Nancy Morris, LaVelle Page, MaryAnn Priddy, Pam Priddy, Donald and Doris Rowlett, Dwain Seaton, Dwain Seaton, Jr., Doris Sells, Dalton Seratt, Kenny Stevens, Kristi Taylor, Peggy Zimmerle and Adam Wise. Also, please pray for our military, law enforcement, our country and its leaders, those affected by COVID-19 and first responders There are many sick and hurting. Please say a prayer for those; even if you do not know their name, God does.
“This too shall pass” by Helen Steiner Rice – “If I can endure for this minute/Whatever is happening to me/No matter how heavy my heart is/Or how dark the moment might be/If I can remain calm and quiet/With all the world crashing about me/Secure in the knowledge God loves me/When everyone else seems to doubt me/If I can but keep on believing/What I know in my heart to be true/That darkness will fade with the morning/And that this will pass away, too/Then nothing in life can defeat me/For as long as this knowledge remains/I can suffer whatever is happening/For I know God will break all of the chains/That are binding me tight in the darkness/And trying to fill me with fear/For there is no night without dawning/And I know that my morning is near.
I pray you all have a wonderful week, and may it be filled with love, joy, peace and blessings. Remember: if you have news, please email me at mimmiepots@gmail.com. I would truly appreciate any news. People from here and those who have moved from our area but still want to keep in touch through the newspaper are hungry for news from home.
Until next week, Happy Trails to You.