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News from the New Friendship & Mifflin Communities of Chester County

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with Vickie Ellis

Hello to all from this little corner of the world. The skies were blue with white clouds on Thursday, but we had some rain in the afternoon. Then, temperatures dropped for a couple of days. Right now, we are having a mild January. It was 66 degrees at 10:15 a.m. on Thursday. Wow! We continue to feed our birds. We are mostly seeing male and female cardinals, occasional towhees and chickadees. I have not seen any house wrens yet. The next 10 days are forecasted to be mild for January except for a couple of days with rain here and there.
I know many were glad to have another long weekend. Monday was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day. There was no school, banks were closed and the mail did not run.
Condolences to all who have lost loved ones. Prayers for those who are sick and hurting. God bless.
Happy birthday to Carolyn Whitley, 1-18; Brenda Hudson, 1-19; Billy Neal Priddy, 1-20; and Arlene Hill and Nicki Bray, 1-21.
Please continue to remember these in prayer: Randy Baker, Shelia Berry, Joe Bingham, Marie Bishop, Robert Brewer, J.T Butler, Jackie Chambers, Pat Connor, Shirley Kendrick, Martha Mainord, Adisyn Matthews, LaVelle Page, Pam Priddy, Jesse Pugh, Ann Pusser, Logan Rencher, Todd Rencher, Jake Richardson, Donald Rowlett, Dwain Seaton, Jr., Jeff Sells, Cathy Sisson, Alice and Buddy Stovall, Kevin Thurman, David Tucker, Tony Tucker and Adam Wise. Also, pray for our military, law enforcement, our country and first responders.
These are a few quotes of Martin Luther King, Jr.:
“To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated, and misunderstood. Stay Strong.”
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
“Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the ones we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.”
I pray you all have a wonderful week and may it be filled with love, joy, peace and blessings. Remember: if you have news, please email me at mimmiepots@gmail.com. I would truly appreciate any news. People from here and those who have moved from our area but still want to keep in touch through the newspaper are hungry for news from home. Until next week, Happy Trails to You.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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