with Vickie Ellis
Hello to everyone! I wish you all a good week. Sunday was the last day of this month. Yay! March, here we are.
It was 70 degrees when I wrote this, and the skies were gray with a slight breeze. We had heavy storms that evening with tornado threats. I pray we all made it through the night without any issues.
At the time of this writing, the forecast showed possible rain Tuesday with temperatures in the 50s/60s and lows in the mid-30s at night. Relief is coming on those utility bills. March usually comes with strong winds. I am so glad the ice and snow are gone.
This next part is going to the dogs! Our little furbaby Pepper was very sick last week, and it called for a bath and a cleanup of his bedroom “crate” and his bed. He is improving it seems. He did not eat the other day, but I have had three poodles, and it seems they have finicky stomachs. Pepper is nine now and is my “therapy” pet. I have had three since Nick was killed. I have a dear friend whose little furbaby is 12 and is having health issues, and I would appreciate prayers for these sweet blessings that God gave us.
Update on Bandit, Billy Joe Seaton’s “furbaby.” Bandit has been into his antics again. Billy Joe had a water problem during the winter storm and got muddy when checking it out. He changed clothes before going to town and then changed back into his work clothes. He left his clean clothes on a cabinet by the door, and after working came in to get a shower and go to his mom’s (Ms. Melba) to eat supper with her, but he could not find the keys. He looked everywhere and told Bandit to “go get my keys.” BJ was on the phone, and he turned around, and there came Bandit through his puppy door with the keys in his mouth – haha. BJ was mad, relieved and kinda proud all at the same time. Never a dull moment.
Happy belated birthday to Taylor Morris, 2-24; Braylon Sanford, 2-25; Sue Lewis and Mallery Crame, 2-27; and Tanner Butler, 2-28.
Happy Birthday to Dylan Dyer, 3-2; Charlotte Webb, Sue Williams and Barrett Jones, 3-4; and Emma Green, 3-6.
Happy anniversary to Charles and Kathey Dyer, 3-3, and Amy and Kenneth Williams, 3-6.
Friendship Baptist Church will resume Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. this Sunday, March 7.
Please continue to remember these in prayer Lynn Allen, Randy Baker, Denise Armstrong, Sheila Berry, Charlie Brewer, David Brewer, Diane Cross, Johnny Hayes, Danny Jones, Nancy McCaskill, Doris McKinney, Andy and Doris Maness, LaVelle Page, Linda Clifft Plunk, Pam Priddy, Jerry Rogers, Patsy Young Ross, Jim Ruth, Dalton Seratt, Kenny Stevens, Kristi Taylor, Nancy B. Taylor and the family of Janice Acred. Also, please pray for our military, law enforcement, our country and its leaders, those affected by COVID-19 and first responders. There are many sick and hurting. Please say a prayer for those; even if you do not know their name, God does. Prayer is not an obligation. It is the greatest privilege we have. Pray yourself through each day.
“At times, especially now, many feel alone. When they need comfort and love the most, many are deprived of the physical contact with others. May all who are feeling that way remember Jesus on the cross. Our Savior knows more than anyone what it is like to feel alone. As He bore the weight of our sins and was separated from you, He cried out the words that have echoed through the ages….’My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?’ Our perfect Savior felt more alone and more pain than we will ever feel. Jesus understands our feelings like no one else can. He sees our tears and has compassion for us. He sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us in all of our afflictions. I pray this week if you are faced with overwhelming situations this helps you. If you can help others through their problems and can use this, please do. You are not alone.” – Hope For the Broken Hearted
I pray you all have a wonderful week, and may it be filled with love, joy, peace and blessings. Remember: if you have news, please email me at mimmiepots@gmail.com. I would truly appreciate any news. People from here and those who have moved from our area but still want to keep in touch through the newspaper are hungry for news from home.
Until next week, Happy Trails to You.