News from the Silerton Community of Chester County

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with Mary Lynn Lambert

Condolences to the family of Mildred (Young) West. Oliver and Wanda Young, Nedda King and Bob and Vivian Gibson drove to Rutledge, Ga., to attend the funeral.
Tommy Murley, grandson of Stacy and Graple McCann, has started a group Facebook page. If you have old pictures and memories of Silerton that you would like to post, please do so that everyone can enjoy. It is a wonderful way to keep connected.
Game night at Silerton Baptist Church was a great night. Attendance, food and fun were enjoyed by all attendees. Thanks to everyone who had a part in the event.
Piney Grove Baptist Church was well represented in the Dinner Theater at the Arts Council last week. Gracie Howell and Richard and Leanne Willis did outstanding performances. Pastor David Howell was sick and could not perform, so Anthony Pulse, Director, had to fill his part.
For the next few weeks, I have asked residents or former residents to share some of their thoughts about spring.
This week Leo Lambert shares his memories.
He writes, “I guess the first thing I think of in spring is being able to wear short sleeve shirts. That to me was the legitimate first sign. It meant hopefully no more layering of clothing just to go outside or being able to go to school without taking off a coat. It also meant a change in the environment around the old section house. Things burst into color as the cloudless blue skies above filled the land with sunshine. Spring has always been my favorite season followed closely by summer. Although spring officially ends June 20, to me it ended the day school let out for the summer. That was usually early or mid-May. Spring has always meant being able to do what I want, when I want, where I want usually without consideration of the weather.”
It would be appreciated if you would call and share some of your news and thoughts or memories so we can stay connected.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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