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Sunrise By David Coy: Truth & Strength

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By David Coy

As we look back at the previous year, we may ask ourselves the question of why has all this happened to us? Today the whole land is gripped with fear and sadness. Many people have gone on to their reward for more reasons than the virus, yet we have been told it all has been due to the virus. In addition to this, we have been fed misinformation concerning the efficacy of wearing masks and physical distancing. This has increased our fear and sadness as death has increased and our feeling of security has decreased. We long for the day when life returns to ‘normal,’ but I do not believe it will ever return to the days prior to this virus. What we are now experiencing at least in part is our new normal.
With so much uncertainty how do we manage and cope? We must press forward in spite of any fear we may feel and any uncertainty of the future. By moving forward one step at a time and dealing with our immediate responsibilities and delegating where necessary, we can begin to heal and build anew our lives whatever our losses may be. This will require strength and resolve on our part to do what needs to be done to heal and rebuild. We would do well to be our own advocate and seek and accept only truth in all matters, which is based on facts and evidence. No matter the subject or area of our life, truth and strength for the day will see us through to a true and right destination. Of course none of us are an island to ourselves. We who revere truth, love and service to others uniting together can prevail over any struggle and loss of any kind. We should know that loss of any kind changes us and we are not the same. The good and the not so good in our lives makes us who we are. Do not despair, we will succeed together with truth and strength.
This is Sunrise Aftercare, sunrise@sfdcares.com

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