Trying times

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By Dennis Richardson, Magic Valley Publishing

Last week I presented a series of thoughts on socialism. I thought the article made some good points and taught a practical lesson, one that students can relate to since it affects their grades and progress toward a college degree.
I have never heard of an actual lesson like that being taught, but it was interesting.
These are trying times. That phrase is rapidly becoming a cliché’ which I was taught was one of the biggest enemies of effective writing. That and wordiness.
That is one reason I try to keep these columns short and to the point.
My point this week is that these ARE trying times, unprecedented as we try to social distance and live a life with face (and eye) coverings.
I tried to fathom what it would be like to miss half of the end of a school year and to start the new one back with so many restraints and uncertainties. Students and teachers don’t know from one day to the next if school will be in session on campus or via the Internet. I can only visualize this situation as football teams try to stay healthy and safe in their practice sessions. Some schools are finding new cases of COVID-19 among athletes and discovering that not only that student but also groups that they may have associated with are put under quarantine.
It is a real fear. Especially in the south where social distancing has never been a way of life.
Teachers, too. How difficult preparations of lesson plans must be…
Will this virus ever go away? That is a question I have heard dozens of times. It seems no one knows. One thing I think that I know is that we need to stop pointing fingers when life doesn’t go our way or gets us out of our comfort zones.
This virus has many of us on edge. It is common to become grumpy, even to the point of violence, but that is where we need to “bite our tongues” so to speak and realize that this is a global virus. Unity and co-operation are needed, especially now.
These are my thoughts. What are yours?
The Law of The Bath: When the tub is full and the body is fully immersed, the telephone will ring.
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Dennis Richardson is the CEO of Magic Valley Publishing, Inc., which owns the Chester County Independent

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