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By Daisy McManus

Another week is completed at Chester County High School. After another loss in football and no major wins in the other sports, I would like to stray from my usual writing. Rather than focus on sports this week, I would like to shift gears to discuss what is coming up in the next few weeks. On Tuesday, September 5, there will be a meeting between the board of education and the student governments from each grade. They will discuss issues important to students and share the student body’s thoughts. This is an excellent way for those responsible for the decisions in our school system to hear how their choices positively and negatively affect students.
Additionally, students are wrapping up their preparations for Homecoming on September 11-15. Every grade will build and decorate a hallway according to a specific theme that they have chosen. After that, they will compete in various scored competitions to decide which grade will reign victorious when all is said and done. These competitions include t-shirt design, float design, hallway design, powderpuff, and spirit chain. Floats will be paraded through town and to each school, so stop on Main Street to watch these fantastic creations. The students have worked hard to ensure everything looks excellent, and we are confident they will blow us away.
Here is a brief look at sports for this week. Football is looking for their first win against Dyer County this week. The girls’ soccer team will play South Gibson on Tuesday and compete in the Northside Shootout on Friday and Saturday. Golf and Volleyball compete on Tuesday and Thursday, while Cross Country runs on just Thursday. Let’s hope for a great week of sports!



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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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